Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thoughts from Bloesch - Hope

“A truly just society is dependent not on experiments in social engineering, not on the cultivation of a global consciousness, not on an amalgamation of the world religions, but on a universal acknowledgement of the reality of the holy and living God of the Scriptures and acceptance of the message that he has acted decisively and irrevocably for the salvation of the human race through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The hope of humanity rests on the kingdom of God, which is now at work in our midst, and on its consummation through the coming of Jesus Christ in power and glory when his universal lordship will be revealed for all to see and the fruits of his redemption will be assured to all who repent and believe.”
Bloesch, p249.


Anonymous said...

What you advocate has been historically true for Christians in past times. During the eras of exploration and colonialism, as in the the settlement of the west in the U.S., Canada, Australia, wherever colonialism was being carried out Christians, who believed in the things you advocate, where supremely NOT practicing the justness you hope to see. Why should we believe that things would be any different? Christians have already shown us what is horribly possible.

Anonymous said...

That is if you make the assumption that western colonialism is the same thing as the expansion of the Kingdom of God. I would never argue that.

In fact I would say it is almost the exact opposite of how I understand the Kingdom of God. The culture of the Kingdom is characterised by loving the Lord your God will all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and loving your neighbour as yourself (The two great commandments which sum up all the Law). Which really doesn't allow for colonial expansion in the way you are talking about.

Christians who have thought the way you speak of have missed the point. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world" (Jn 18:36).

What would happen if everyone were living according to the Kingdom values of loving God and loving each other is that there would be this-worldly changes, but that would be because people would recognise that their highest allegiance is to the Kingdom of God and His ways, rather than themselves and what suits them.

And so yes, I believe justice, mercy and love would be the result, because the biggest single driver of injustice is selfishness.

Selfishness comes out of believing either (a) I am more important than God, what I want is more important than what He wants AND/OR (b) I am more important than other people, what I want is more important than what anyone else wants/needs. These attitudes are what fundamentally need to change in order for there to be justice.

God bless,